My first exam is tomorrow. What am I do to prepare?
Knitting and blogging, of course!
It isn't as bad as it sounds. My exam, Canadian Poetry, shouldn't be too difficult. And I did study for a couple of hours already today. I'm just so eager to get into this Angle pattern that it's hard to put it down! I have given up on using the yarn I originally purchased at Ariadne (see previous post for photo), and instead I'm using cheap acrylic yarn. Really, I don't care. It's machine washable and forgiving, which is what kids' clothes is all about. None of this silliness about real wool. Real wool is scratchy and handwas

h only, in many cases. Parents know better than to buy
that for their babies.
I'm sure I'll start using the superwash merinos, but right now I'm content with acrylic. It's so soft!
These are the fabulous Pyrex mixing bowls I picked up at the Sally Ann this morning. I bought them with the justification that I would put them on Etsy, but I'm having second thoughts. Besides, I looked, and there's already a couple of the same ones there. So really, I would just be
losing money if I tried to sell them. So I think it would be showing fiscal prudence to keep them. Yes, definitely.
Jake and I watched
Gosford Park yesterday. It has only confirmed my original feeling that Kristen Sc

ott Thomas is the best actress I've seen. Maggie Smith was of course fabulous as well. But primarily the genius of Thomas. And Jeremy Northam too! Poor Thomas More. For those of you who watch Tudors, you'll know what I'm taking about.
In store for tonight is.... more studying! Which is code for knitting. Who knew that you could study and knit at the same time?! Part of me feels like my mind is only half on the notes, but it's worth it in the end, non?